APHA Awards Ceremony and Annual Meeting

  • January 25, 2025
  • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Virtual (Zoom)

The Board of Trustees of the American Printing History Association warmly invites you to join us for our 2025 Annual Meeting!

The meeting is free, and will take place on Zoom. Registration is required; link to join will be sent upon registration.

APHA Members in good standing (i.e., valid membership status) are invited to vote on the proposed Trustees during the election. Vote will be conducted as a secret ballot; if you cannot attend, you may vote by proxy by contacting memberships@printinghistory.org.


Greeting and Welcome

  • J. Fernando Peña, President

A moment of silence for members who passed away in the last year

Reports of Officers

  • Diane Dias De Fazio, Vice-President for Membership
  • Danelle Moon, Vice-President for Programs
  • Josef Beery, Vice-President for Publications
  • Jim Kuhn, Treasurer

Report of the Nominating Committee and Election

  • E. Haven Hawley, chair; Hosea Baskin, J. Fernando Peña, Sara T. Sauers, and Nina Schneider

Candidates for Election (biographies)

  • Trustee (first 3-year term): Jessica Salinas (New York, NY)
  • Trustee (second 3-year term): Joan Boudreau (Washington, DC)
  • Trustee (second 3-year term): Richard Minsky (Hudson, NY)

Report of the President

Presentation of the Mark Samuels Lasner Fellowship in Printing History

  • 2025 Fellow: TBD

Presentation of APHA Awards

  • Individual Laureate: Susan J. Goldman
  • Institutional Award: Book/Print Artist/Scholar of Color Collective

Officers and Trustees of the American Printing History Association

Officers for 2024

J. Fernando Peña, New York, NY, President
Diane Dias De Fazio, Cleveland, OH, Vice President for Membership
Danelle Moon, Santa Barbara, CA, Vice President for Programs
Josef Beery, Charlottesville, VA, Vice President for Publications
Jim Kuhn, Austin, TX, Treasurer
Ana D. Rodríguez, Champaign, IL, Board Secretary

Non-elected Officers
E. Haven Hawley, Immediate Past President


Joan Boudreau, Washington, DC (year 3, term 1, elected in 2022)
Melanie Leung, Washington, DC (year 1, term 1, elected in 2024)
Faride Mereb, Brooklyn, NY (year 3, term 1, elected in 2022)
Richard Minsky, Hudson, NY (year 3, term 1, elected in 2022)
Pranav Prakash, Oxford, UK (year 1, term 1, elected in 2024)
Larissa Randall, Bentonville, AR (year 1, term 1, elected in 2024)
Amanda Stuckey, Summerdale, PA (year 2, term 1, elected in 2024 to complete remainder of departing trustee’s term)
Kseniya Thomas, Ogden, UT (year 2, term 2, re-elected in 2023)  

Ex-officio Board Members

Lauren Emeritz, President, Chesapeake Chapter
Virginia Bartow, President, New York Chapter
Jordan Goffin, President, New England Chapter
Carrie Valenzuela, President, Upstate New York Chapter
Gary Walton, President, Ohio River Valley Chapter

Officer terms are two years, elected in even years. Trustee terms are three years.

Elected officers and trustees are restricted to two terms in the same position, except the Treasurer.

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