Join us.

Join or renew your membership online, or, you can download and mail the Membership Application Form with your dues payment. Membership is on a calendar year basis (January 1–December 31).

APHA in your neighborhood? You bet! With numerous local and regional chapters, you can network and learn with fellow APHA members just about anywhere. Become a member—and supportyour local chapter by checking the appropriate area on the application form.

Membership Levels

Student Members

Student members enjoy discounted membership dues. Student Membership is equivalent to Individual-level membership, below.

Individual Members

Individual members receive:

  • "Fit to Print," APHA's quarterly eNewsletter
  • print, full-color copies of APHA's scholarly journal, Printing History (twice per year),
  • discounts on conference registration, 
  • discounts on special publications,
  • as well as the option to join local chapters.

Contributing Members

All the benefits of Individual/Student membership plus:

  • a special enamel APHA pin designed by Amelia Hugill-Fontanel
  • a copy of Thinking in Script: A Letter of Thanks from Edward Johnston to Paul Standard courtesy of the Melbert B. Cary, Jr. Graphic Arts Collection.

Sustaining Members

Sustaining members demonstrate the highest level of ongoing support to APHA’s mission and programs. They receive all of the above, plus

  • Member's choice of books and publications from the list below, donated from the archives of Jethro Lieberman (while supplies last):
    • Fifty Years a Typesetter by Jethro Lieberman
    • Type and Typefaces by J. Ben Lieberman
    • Goudy’s Type Designs, paperback (reprint of a Typophiles book)


Benefactors contribute to the long-term financial health of APHA through support of the endowment. Benefactor-level members receive special recognition from the organization ,in addition to all the benefits of Sustaining membership. 

Institutional Members

For libraries, cultural organizations, groups, and businesses. Institutional members receive Printing History and discounts on APHA special publications.

© American Printing History Association
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